
What about it?

Well, for starters, did you know that sustainability is not just about going green and doing what you can for the climate? Don’t get us wrong, that’s always important. But sustainability also includes a social perspective. How we treat each other as human beings.

Check out our initiative called Sustainable Gaming, where we try to show what we're up to in a clear and transparent way, all while learning more together.
Or jump straight to our sustainability report for 2022.

Climate neutral games

“Hardware, do you really need it? Can we find something used? Oh, alright, well try this manufacturer from this vendor, it’s the best we can do”

“Merch for your studio? I know a printer who is serious about sustainability in everything from choice of material to printing techniques. Let me give them a call!”

“Shipping used furniture between offices in Uppsala and Stockholm? Roll up your sleeves. We’re renting you a biogas truck and getting exercise as a bonus – when are we meeting up?”

It may sound small. It is. We are. But making good basic choices whenever possible adds up, from day one. Over the years, you’ll be making millions of them. And our friendly neighbourhood sustainability officer will always be there to offer support. And when you can't reduce your carbon footprint any further, including the impact of your players playing your game, our group will take responsibility.

For everyone

Fair compensation, regulated hours, vacation days, insurances, pensions, wellness grants, ergonomic work equipment, opportunities to get shares in the group, computer glasses, wellness hours, developer bonuses, and more. Not just for a project, but always and across the whole group. We’re in it for the long-haul and want to make sure you are too.

No matter who you are, where you are from or who you love, you belong with us. This year, our publisher became the world’s first games company to receive LGBTQI certification, joined by management in each and every one of our studios. We will stand as Gold sponsors of DONNA Day, dedicated to increasing the number of women and non-binary in our industry.

Roughly three billion players on the planet. Roughly 15 % of global population living with some sort of disability. Games designed with many in mind, allowing opportunity for participation in the hobby we know and love. Each studio hosting a designated developer Accessibility Champion, sent by the group for training and certification in accessible game design, at organizations such as AbleGamers. We want to become a trusted publisher.

For each decision made, we think of People, Players and Planet.


How will our decisions affect People, in our organization, in our industry and beyond? Are we acting in support or to the detriment of basic human rights? Are we contributing to making game development a viable career choice no matter who you are, no matter who you love or where you are from? Are we creating places of work where people feel safe, welcomed and included?


How will our decisions affect Players of not just our own games, but gaming culture in general? Are we complicit in business practices that are harmful to the health and well-being of the very group of people we need support from? Are we as players ourselves treating members of our communities the way we’d wish to be treated? Are we doing what we can to make games more accessible to all, understanding the role gaming can play in combating social isolation? Are we contributing to a hobby that invites and embraces all, the same way we all were once invited and embraced ourselves?


How will our decisions affect our Planet? Are we acknowledging our own impact on the climate and doing what we can to lessen said impact? Can we put our heads together and find new innovative ways of reducing not just our own footprint, but that of our players? Are we accelerating things in the wrong direction by adopting harmful technologies? Are we using our strength as a group to put pressure on collaborators and suppliers to adopt positive change?

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